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Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Yuccaa  is celebrating its birthday! It's been 3 years since we started building Yuccaa in attics, gardens and at dining tables. Time flies when you're having fun.

😉Many clichés have come true for us in the past 3 years:

👉 After a few years, something changes within the team with which you found the company. At the start of Yuccaa, we spoke to many entrepreneurs and often the owners were no longer the same as the ones with whom the company was founded. In my naivety, I thought this would not happen to us.
👉 A business model changes with time and new insights. At Yuccaa, we had a plan, but we have since changed the business model. The NetSuite world kept pulling at us and ultimately we also see that this is where our maximum added value lies.
👉 Entrepreneurship is change. I thought I knew everything, until you are really responsible yourself. Especially in the first year, we learned a lot and went outside our comfort zone. Cold calling wasn't in our top 3 of fun activities, but eventually we threw off all our inhibitions and almost became good at it.
👉 As an entrepreneur, I've learned to listen to my feelings better. If it doesn't feel right, it isn't right. The choice not to do a number of things based on our feelings is still what I'm most proud of!
👉 We didn't start a business for the money and we don't want to work 24/7. I want the freedom to spend time with my fantastic wife, my friends and one day a week off to be part of my children's lives and see them grow up. Did this always go well? No, certainly not, there have been weeks when I was only busy with work, mainly because of my sometimes too great sense of responsibility and less smart choices. Do I regret that? No, but do I sometimes want a better balance? Absolutely.Which expectations have remained intact?
👉 The step to set up Yuccaa felt logical in my career and that has proven to be 100% true.
👉 Entrepreneurship gave me new energy. By making my own choices and seeing immediate results, I bounce through life again.
👉 Entrepreneurship is a way to learn a lot. After about 2 years, the boost from our own company decreased. A significant investment in our own development with a business coach helped us learn new lessons and take the next steps.

Our goals for the 4th year as an entrepreneur? We want to continue to grow and distinguish ourselves in the NetSuite market with an even greater impact for our clients. And one thing remains above all: Fun work with fun people! 🤩

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Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands

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